Our Projects
As a community-led organisation, our projects are determined by the needs and wishes of the community of Lossiemouth. We hold regular consultations, to ensure that our work addresses the needs of the people, both residents and visitors.
Since our formation in 2014, we’ve collated the projects into a five-year plan. The first plan was published in 2014. The second, with a short delay due to the pandemic, was released in 2021
You can view the current five year plan here.
The projects and their intentions, as stated in our current plan are:
Seafest – Improve event facilities and bolster professional team to support regular activities.
Build Skatepark – Support the Skatepark initiative group as they build and open a skatepark on the grounds secured for that purpose.
Cyclepath to Hopeman – Support the Laich of Moray Active Travel Routes group in their efforts to secure a cycle route between Lossiemouth and Hopeman.
Improve Station Park – work with partners to explore the possibility of making strategic improvements to Station Park in support of improved events, event/activity signposting, play facilities, business development and tourism.
Men’s Shed – To find a suitable location for, fundraise for and establish a Men’s Shed in Lossiemouth.
Community Garden – To support a dedicated group in finding a suitable location fora community garden in Lossiemouth.
Improve Public Toilet Facilities – To support the provisions of toilet and shower facilities for the East beach side of town along the esplanade.
Lossiemouth Community Development Trust
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Contact Details
Lossiemouth Community Development Trust
8A Pitgaveny Street
IV31 6NS
EMAIL: dto@lossietrust.org
About Us
Lossiemouth Community Development Trust was formed to represent and promote plans for residents and tourism in Lossiemouth by adopting a joint community approach towards improving facilities for the benefit of everyone in the community
Lossiemouth Community Development Trust is a Scottish Charity registration number SC045972.
Fair Work
Lossiemouth Community Development Trust is committed to playing its part in the Fair Work Convention’s vision that by 2025, people in Scotland will have a world-leading working life where fair work drives success, wellbeing and prosperity for individuals, businesses, organisations and society. We are therefore developing a workplace that is built on the five key dimensions
of Fair Work: effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment and respect.